The advantage of the agendas tab is that it makes it easier to remember which agendas you picked while you're looking at a unit card, but it won't accurately calculate agendas like "if you perform the MacGuffin action 3 times, gain 2XP." Those, you'll need to do manually.Ģ) This is possible, but sufficiently complicated that I haven't done it myself.

Obviously that's a long way from perfect. The sheet will calculate the XP from agendas during your current battle you should then manually add that to the "total XP from agendas in all battles" field. The unit sheet doesn't save it, since spreadsheets can't save incremental data in that way. The agendas sheet is a very imperfect trade-off, and you've confirmed my suspicion that I should edit the post above to offer better guidance, so thank you :)ġ) You'll want to clear out your agendas each time you play. Let me know if you want me to email my copy if my explanation was not clear enough. The Requisition Points field in the "Order of Battle" tab I altered to simply be a sum of all the delta entries in the "Requisition Log" tab. Every cell after that is the formula mentioned above. The RP cell for the first entry is simply the value 5. The first entry in the log is "created order of battle" and has a delta of 5. The "RP" column cells contain a formula that adds the delta column to the cell above it - with the exception of the first cell, which just has value 5. The "Delta" column is where you include the amount spent. "gave commander warlord trait", "increase squad size by 5", etc) The "Description" column states what decision you took (e.g. The number in this column is therefore the number of battles you have fought before spending RP. The "Battles" column starts at 0 and increments every time you fight a battle. The "#" column is simply an enumeration, starting with 0 and incrementing by 1. The sheet has five columns, named "#", "Battles", "Description", "Delta" and "RP" In this sheet, I have logged all Requisition Point-related decisions for clarity and transparency. I added an extra sheet after the "Order of Battle" tab called "Requisition Log".

This has been a great tool! Thanks so much for preparing! I have made a change for my copy. Jonathan Archer 25 November 2020 at 14:26